User Management
  • 14 Nov 2023
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User Management

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Article summary

What is a User? 

Users are members of your AlertOps account. They have the capability to receive and respond to alerts. When you have many users, you can add them to groups and create on-call schedules for them. This allows for the users to be organized properly within your AlertOps account.

Add a User 

  1. In the menu bar, click on Configuration and select Users.
  2. Click on Add User in the top right corner.
  3. Enter a username and email for the user. Then, enter the first and last name.
  4. Select the desired role for the user.
  5. Select the user type.
  6. Click Submit.

Each user must have a unique username and an official email address. After clicking submit, a login link will be sent to the user’s official email address so they may create a password.

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User Profile

On the User Profile page, you can add user contacts, and view associated groups and schedules. To reach the User Profile page, click Configuration from the menu and select Users. Then, click on the desired user.

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Profile Section

Group Member

In the profile section all groups associated with this user will be displayed here. You can also view a user's Group Member Roles (Primary, Secondary, or Manager). If the only visible Member Role is Manager, this means there is a schedule in place that defines the Roles.


In the profile section you may view or edit User Roles. You must be an app admin to change User Roles. To change a user role:

  1. On the user detail page, from the profile section click on the update button in the righthand corner.
  2. Select the desired role.
  3. Click the green checkmark to save.

Contact Methods Section

Contact methods define the way in which AlertOps contacts a specific user. You may select contact methods such as email, SMS, or phone. Push notification contact methods are added automatically after a user registers their AlertOps mobile app.

To add a contact method: 

  1. From the User detail page, scroll to the Contact Methods section.
  2. Click Add Contact Method in the right-hand corner.
  3. Select a Contact Method from the drop-down menu.
  4. Add Contact Detail based on the type of contact method.
  5. Change the Contact Sequence to decide which contact method to use first. The User profile can determine Contact Methods and sequence for notifications in Escalation Policies.


Schedules Section

View the user’s schedules for all their groups.

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Out of Office Section

Add Out of Office schedules to define when a user is not available to receive alerts.

Remove an Existing User

Note: You cannot delete users that are involved in shifts. If the trashcan icon next to the user you wish to remove is greyed out you must remove the user from any shifts first.

  1. In the menu bar, click on Configuration and select Users.
  2. Under the Action column, click the Delete icon next to the user you wish to remove.

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Changing or Removing an Owner 

There must be an owner in each AlertOps account. You may contact AlertOps at to change the owner.



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