  • 03 May 2023
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Article summary

Alert Analysis Report

The Alert Analysis report shows the various channels over which alerts have been sent, and recipients received the alerts.

Alert Analysis – by Escalation Rule

Drill down by Escalation RuleAlert Analysis – by Group

Drill down by Group

Alert Summary Report

The Alert Summary Report shows:

  • SLA performance
  • Number of alerts by topic
  • Number of alerts assigned to people
  • Number of alerts by status

The report can be filtered by Group.

 Alert Assignment

Alert Assignment shows the distribution of alerts per person. The report can be filtered by Group and Priority.

 Alert Trend Report

The Alert Trend Report can be run for weekly, monthly, quarterly and yearly periods. The report can be filtered by any combination of Topic, Priority and Group.

 Time to Acknowledge

MTTA tracks time to acknowledgement. The report can be filtered by Group.

Time to Resolve

MTTR tracks time to resolution. The report can be filtered by Group.

 Open Alerts Report

The Open Alerts Report allows you to view current alerts that are open. You can drill down on each of the links to view the set of open alerts for each category. You can drill down further to access the alert detail. The report can filter by Group.

 Open Alerts 

Drill down by SLA Violation, Top 5 Assignees, Priority, Status, or Topics.

 Exporting Data

  1. In the menu-bar, click on Alerts. 
  2. Click Show Filter Options to access available filters before exporting
  3. Click Search 
  4. Click Export Data.

 AlertOps Postmortems

Post-Mortem Report Generation Using AlertOps

AlertOps Postmortem Reports can be created once an alert has been closed. Postmortem Reports may be Exported to Adobe PDF. Postmortem Reports may not be available with all AlertOps price packages. Check with sales to see if this feature can be added to your plan.

 To Create a Postmortem Report

Once an alert has been closed, the Postmortem tab becomes visible in the Alert Detail. Click Add Postmortem to create a report.

 Edit the Postmortem Report Using Standard Fields

The Postmortem Report contains the standard fields pictured below. There are three report states: Draft, In-Review and Published. You may Export the Report to PDF at any time.

 Adding your Own Custom Fields to a Report

Postmortem fields can be configured under Administration àPost Mortem Fields. Initially, the Standard fields are displayed.

 Click Add Postmortem field to add additional fields.

Editing a Report with Custom fields

Editing a Postmortem Report with custom fields is no different than using standard fields.

Export to PDF

Standard fieldsCustom fields

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