Product Updates Q4 2023
  • 28 Feb 2024
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Product Updates Q4 2023

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AlertOps List Type Custom Field Expansion

We’re pleased to announce a significant December update to AlertOps List Type Custom Fields. This expansion is geared towards providing more versatility in managing custom fields.

📝 Unlimited Entries for List Types: Our List Types for strings, numerical values, and other custom field types now support unlimited entries. This enhancement allows for greater flexibility in defining custom fields.

🔧 Customizable Dropdowns: Modify dropdowns for custom fields and user attributes to include all necessary options. This feature ensures that you can populate your lists with comprehensive and relevant selections, enhancing the accuracy and relevance of your data management.

Upgrade your custom field management with our expanded List Type capabilities in AlertOps.


AlertOps Workflow Update: Enhanced Conditions and Rules

This October, AlertOps is rolling out an important update to our Workflow system. This update is designed to make our platform more versatile and powerful.

🔄 Custom and Standard Field Combination: You can now combine custom and standard alert fields to create comprehensive workflow conditions and rules. This integration between user-defined custom fields and default alert fields enhances the system’s flexibility.

🚀 Improved System Capabilities: By evaluating both custom and standard fields, you can launch more targeted messages and automations, elevating your alert management system’s efficiency and responsiveness.

Experience the power of combined fields in your AlertOps workflows for more effective and efficient alert management.

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