Prebuilt Email Integrations
  • 17 Jul 2023
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Prebuilt Email Integrations

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Article summary

The InboundIntegrations_GlobalAccess entitlement is necessary for creation, update, and deletion of inbound e-mail, API, and chat integration templates in the environment. The user roles that have access to this entitlement include Owner, App Admin, and Integrations Admin.

Email Integrations define the processing rules for creating AlertOps alerts from inbound emails. AlertOps integrates with any service that can send email notifications.  

  1. Navigate to Configuration and select Integrations. 
  2. Select Email from the dropdown list of integration types.
  3. Click +Add Email in the top, right-hand corner. 
  4. Select the desired integration from available templates.Graphical user interface, application  Description automatically generated
  5. Select an Escalation Rule.   
  6. Add Recipient Users and/or Recipient Groups.  
  7. Click Submit to save. 
  8. Once saved, click the Copy Mailbox button at the top of the screen and paste it into your source configuration. 

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