Ping SSO
  • 07 Mar 2023
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Ping SSO

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Article summary

Ping SSO Configuration

  1. Click Add Application and select New SAML Application. 
  2. Enter a Name, Description, and Category for the AlertOps Application and then click Continue to Next Step. 
  3. On the next screen, fill in the following Application Configuration Details:
  4. In the SSO Attribute Mapping section, configure the Application Attribute and Value. 
  5. Click the Advanced button to configure Advanced Attribute Options. Save Name ID Format to send to SP as:
    • urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:emailAddress 
  6. Once Advanced Attributes are configured, continue to the next screen. From the Group Access, you can search and add groups. Once groups are added Click Continue to Next Step. 
  7. Finally, in the Review Setup screen download Signing Certificate and copy Initiate Single Sign-On (SSO) URL to use in AlertOps SSO configuration.

Text  Description automatically generated

AlertOps SSO Configuration

  1. From the AlertOps web application, navigate to your User Account settings from the top right-hand side of the screen and click Account Settings
  2. Click UPDATE SSO and check the Use Single Sign On (SSO)box and enter and save the following enter and save the following:
    • Issue URL:
    • SAML endpoint URL: paste the Initiate Single Sign-On (SSO) URL 
    • SLO endpoint URL: paste thInitiate Single Sign-On (SSO) URL 
    • SAML Signature Algorithm: select SHA256 from the dropdown menu. 
    • X.509 Certificate: Copy and paste the Signing Certificate downloaded in step 7.

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