New Relic Legacy
  • 06 May 2024
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New Relic Legacy

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Article summary

New Relic Legacy Integration Guide

New Relic Legacy is an all-in-one web application performance tool that measures efficiency and offers real-user monitoring for the entire IT infrastructure. Integrate AlertOps’ alert management platform with New Relic Legacy to receive and respond to critical alerts through email, SMS, push notification, and phone alerts. AlertOps ensures that alerts received from New Relic Legacy always reach the correct, available team member by utilizing escalation policies and on-call schedules.

AlertOps Configuration

  1. From the main menu, click on Integrations and then select Inbound Integrations from the sub menu.
  2. Select API tab
  3. Select the 'ADD API INTEGRATION' button, you should now be on the API Integration Detail page.
  4. Select NewRelicLegacy from the pre-built Integration Templates.
  5. Enter a name for the integration. Select an escalation rule to determine the integration's escalation policy.
  6. Enter the names of recipient group(s) and recipient user(s).
  7. Click 'SAVE.' Then, click 'COPY URL' to copy the URL endpoint to be used in the New Relic Legacy configuration.

Graphical user interface, text, application  Description automatically generated

New Relic Legacy Configuration

Step 1: Create a webhook in New Relic Legacy.

Graphical user interface, text, application, email  Description automatically generated

Alert Triggering Information

AlertOps will automatically create an incident when a new alert is received from New Relic Legacy with an IncidentStatus status of “alert opened.”

If an alert with status “alert opened” matches an existing Open Alert, AlertOps will recognize the new alert as a duplicate and ignore the alert. The alert will be recorded in the Inbound Messages table as “Mapped Appended.”

AlertOps will automatically close the same incident when an alert with an IncidentStatus status “alert ended” is received.

Testing and Troubleshooting

Click here to read about Web API Testing and Troubleshooting. 

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