  • 25 Jan 2024
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Article summary

LibreNMS Integration Guide

LibreNMS is a fully featured network monitoring system that provides a wealth of features and device support.  Integrate AlertOps’ alert management platform with LibreNMS to receive and respond to critical alerts through email, SMS, push notification, and phone alerts. AlertOps ensures that alerts received from LibreNMS always reach the correct, available team member by utilizing escalation policies and on-call schedules.

AlertOps Configuration

  1. Navigate to Configuration àIntegrations àAdd API Integration à API Integration Detail page.
  2. Select LibreNMS. 
  3. Enter a name for the integration. Select an escalation rule to determine the integration's escalation policy. And, enter the names of recipient user(s) and recipient group(s). Click 'Save Changes.' Then, click 'Copy URL' to copy the URL endpoint to be used in the LibreNMS configuration.
  4. In 'Rules for Opening and Closing an Alert' under 'Advanced Settings' change the 'Content' to FORM DATA

LibreNMS Configuration

The following steps will explain how to configure LibreNMS integration for incident management.

To add the AlertOps webhook in LibreNMS

  1. From the home page, click on the Alerts tab on the top
  2. Select Alert Transports
  3. Click on Create Alert Transport
  4. When creating the alert transport:
    • Give the Alert Transport a Name
    • Choose Transport type as Api
    • Default alert is toggled to ON
    • Choose API Method as POST
    • In the placeholder for API URL, paste the copied Webhook from your AlertOps integration.
    • Leave Headers Empty
    • Leave Body Empty
    • Under 'Options' paste the following in the following format
    • device_id={{ $device_id }}
      hostname={{ $hostname }}
      sysName={{ $sysName }}
      sysDescr={{ $sysDescr }}
      sysContact={{ $sysContact }}
      os={{ $os }}
      type={{ $type }}
      ip={{ $ip }}
      hardware={{ $hardware }}
      version={{ $version }}
      features={{ $features }}
      serial={{ $serial }}
      location={{ $location }}
      uptime={{ $uptime }}
      uptime_short={{ $uptime_short }}
      uptime_long={{ $uptime_long }}
      description={{ $description }}
      notes={{ $notes }}
      alert_notes={{ $alert_notes }}
      ping_timestamp={{ $ping_timestamp }}
      ping_loss={{ $ping_loss }}
      ping_min={{ $ping_min }}
      ping_max={{ $ping_max }}
      ping_avg={{ $ping_avg }}
      title={{ $title }}
      elapsed={{ $elapsed }}
      builder={{ $builder }}
      id={{ $id }}
      uid={{ $uid }}
      state={{ $state }}
      severity={{ $severity }}
      rule={{ $rule }}
      name={{ $name }}
      proc={{ $proc }}
      timestamp={{ $timestamp }}
      transport={{ $transport }}
      transport_name={{ $transport_name }}
  5. Once your Alert Transport has been created, click on the Alerts tab on the top and select Alert Rules.
  6. You can either Add an alert rule or modify an existing one. Open the Alert Rule to trigger the AlertOps Webhook.
  7. Enable the toggle for Recovery Alerts to ON and click Save Rule.
  8. Back in the Alert Rule dashboard, you can verify the rules for which Webhook has been added as a Transport.

That is it, your integration with LibreNMS is complete and you are good to go!
Now, every time there is an alert in LibreNMS, the alert will be sent to AlertOps.

Alert Triggering Information

AlertOps will automatically create an incident when a new alert is received from LibreNMS with an IncidentStatus status of “open”.

If an alert with status “1” matches an existing Open Alert, AlertOps will recognize the new alert as a duplicate and ignore the alert. The alert will be recorded in the Inbound Messages table as “Mapped Appended.”

AlertOps will automatically close the same incident when an alert with an IncidentStatus status “0” is received.

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