  • 09 May 2023
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Article summary

AlertOps Inbound Integration Configuration 

  1. From the main menu, click on Integrations and then select Inbound Integrations from the sub menu.
  2. Select CHAT tab
  3. Select the 'ADD CHAT INTEGRATION' button.
  4. You should now be on the API Integration Detail page. Select HipChat from the pre-built Integration Templates.
  5. Enter a name for the integration. Select an escalation rule to determine the integration's escalation policy. And, enter the names of recipient group(s) and recipient user(s). Click 'SAVE.' Then, click 'COPY URL' to copy the URL endpoint to be used in the HipChat configuration. You can also test API URL by clicking ‘TEST URL’.

Hipchat Configuration Details

Note: Mentionname in Hipchat should match Username in Alertops for a User

Go to Integrations, and Build your own integration for that particular Room in Hipchat  

Integration sample using AlertOps Endpoint
Note 1.”Send messages to this room by posting to this URL” will be used as a group contact later in Alertops
Note 2.”We will POST to this URL” is explained in detail below  

How to create “We will POST to this URL” 

Hipchat API field mapping 

REST API URL: https://notify.alertops.com/RESTAPI.svc/POSTAlertV2/generic/[your api key]/[Source]/[Source Name]/None/None/None/None/None/None/None/None 

*Note: You can change the field mapping at any time, AlertOps does not require that the Hipchat fields are mapped as shown here. You can create you own custom mapping. 

Source = hipchat (you can use any name so long as it matches a Mapping Rule Source)
Source Name= item^room^name(it will map the Room Name in Hipchat)
Subject = NONE
Incident Id = NONE
Status = NONE
Severity = NONE
Short Text = NONE
Long Text = NONE
Assignee = NONE 

Now, you can send alerts from Hipchat to AlertOps using the following patterns:

Open Alert on Value: This value will be used as a command from Hipchat to open a new Alert. You can configure this command however you like
Enter your slash command open subject

Close Alert on Value: This value will be used as a command from Hipchat to close an Alert. You can configure this command however you like
Enter your slash command close alert id resolution

Acknowledge Alert on Value: This value will be used as a command from Hipchat to acknowledge an Alert. You can configure however you like
Enter your slash command ack alert id
When AlertOps receives an Acknowledge command from Hipchat, it will match the user on the Alert to the sending user from Hipchat. 

Assign Alert on Value: This value will be used as a command from Hipchat to assign an Alert. You can configure this command however you like
Enter your slash command assign alert id
When AlertOps receives an Assign command from Hipchat, it will match the user on the Alert to the sending user from Hipchat. 

Update Alert on Value: This value will be used as a command from Hipchat to reply to an Alert. You can configure this command however you like
Enter your slash command reply alert id subject 

Sample Hipchat to Alertops pattern

Sample inbound Message list in Alertops  

Update the group contact in your Alertops group with Hipchat “Send messages to this room by posting to this URL”  

Add the Hipchat Group Contact Type to a Escalation Rule in Alertops.   


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