Create an Escalation Policy
  • 13 Dec 2023
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Create an Escalation Policy

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Create a New Escalation Policy  

AlertOps has pre-built escalation policies for ease of use, but admins can build their own customized escalation policies as well.  

To create a new escalation policy: 

  1. Click on Configuration and select Escalation Policies in the Menu bar 
  2. Click Add Escalation Policy Button in the top right corner 
  3. Add Rule Name, Priority, and Description into the empty fields.
  4. Click Submit to save.

Cloning Escalation Policies 

You can easily clone or make a copy of an Escalation Policy that can be used as a template when creating a new Escalation Policy. 

  1. From the Escalation Policies page, select an Escalation Policy  
  2. Click the Clone button in the top right corner  
  3. Add Details 
  4. Click Submit to save the clone 

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