ConnectWise On-Premise Environments Requirements
  • 12 Jul 2024
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ConnectWise On-Premise Environments Requirements

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Article summary

As Cloud Versions of the Platform are all uniform, these requirements aren't necessary to follow. However, because On-Premise or self-hosted versions of ConnectWise PSA™ can vary from client to client please ensure the following requirements are met on your CWM Server prior to integration.

ConnectWise On-Premise Integration Requirements: 

  1. Ensure your ConnectWise PSA™ Version is Upgraded to the latest version and has all necessary patches installed.
  2. Ensure that your Server OS is running on the latest version. (Currently Windows 2019 soon to be Windows Server 2022)
  3. Ensure that from IIS protocols, only TLS 1.2 is enabled and all prior versions (TLS 1.0, TLS 1.1) are disabled on the server. And that IIS settings are configured per IIS best practice and the server is restarted after configuration.                                       
  4. Ensure that you have no invalid Callback URLs or unused Callbacks configured within your ConnectWise PSA™ Environment from a standpoint of API Callbacks and the Legacy Integrator Login Callbacks. 


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